1. CyberPi/mBot2 Won't Connect to the Computer via Bluetooth
2. mBot2 Won’t Connect to the Mobile Device via Bluetooth
3. Troubleshoot USB Connection Issues in mBlock 5
4. The mBot2 Won’t Power on Without the USB Cable
5. Troubleshooting CH340 Driver Issues
6. Firmware Upgrade Fails
7. The Firmware Stays the Same After Update
8. Cyberpi or mBot Won't Work After Firmware Update
9. The Full-Color Display of Cyberpi Is off or Flashing
10. The Indicator on the mBot2 Shield Is Blinking
11. CyberPi Displays "Use mBot2 to run this program"
12. mBlock 5 Won't Upload Program to CyberPi
13. mBot2 Won't Go in a Straight line
14. mBot2 Goes Round In Circles or Won't Move
15. The Ultrasonic Sensor Reading Stays at 0 or 300
16. Faulty Avoiding Obstacles of mBot2
17. The Fill Light of the Quad RGB Sensor Won't Work
18. mBot2 Won't Detect Color Properly
19. mBot2 Won't Do Line-Following
20. The Steering Servo Won't Work
21. The Servo Is Blocked
22. CyberPi Displays Red Error Messages
23. mBot2 Won't Turn Exactly as Expected
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