This article applies to:
mBot2, and mBot Neo.
Routine Check
Refer to the quick steps below to rule out basic issues.
For details, please see this guide:
In a Nutshell
#1 If mBot2 rotates, it could be one of the motors or the mBot2 Shield is faulty.
Please follow the steps below to confirm, and then contact customer support.
#2 If mBot2 simply won't move at all, it could be both motors are faulty.
You'll need to contact customer support directly for advice.
Step by Step
Exchange the motor cable to confirm if it's the motor or the mBot2 Shield is faulty.
#1 If the rotation direction changes from clockwise to counterclockwise or vice versa:
This confirms that one of the motors is faulty.
#2 If the car cannot move at all after the motor cables are exchanged:
The mbot2 extension board may be faulty.
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