2. mBot2 Won’t Connect to the Mobile Device via Bluetooth

This guide applies to:

mBot2, mBot2 Neo, and CyberPi.

Routine Check

Refer to the quick steps below to rule out basic issues.


In a Nutshell


Please download the app from the official website.

For details on the apps, see this guide: Introduction to the Makeblock Mobile App Family


Step by Step

Possible Cause 1:

The App is not working properly or up-to-date.

Please download the APP from the official website.


1. mBlock5

Please go to the official website to download the mBlock mobile app.



2. Makeblock App




3. mBlock Blockly




Possible Cause 2:

Bluetooth of Mobile Devices Is Not Compatible With the App.

Use other mobile devices with the official APP to check compatibility.


Possible Cause 3:

Bluetooth of the Robot Is Faulty.

Connect the robot to a computer via Bluetooth and check if it works.


If the computer can be connected, the mobile device is faulty.

Please replace the faulty device and try again.

If not, the robot is faulty. Please contact support.


For details on Bluetooth connection, please see this guide:

How to Connect CyberPi/mBot2 via Bluetooth Adaptor


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