1. CyberPi/mBot2 Won't Connect to the Computer via Bluetooth

This guide applies to:

mBot2, mBot2 Neo, and CyberPi.


Routine Check

Refer to the quick steps below to rule out basic issues.



The Issues and Solutions in a Nutshell


Not sure how to connect CyberPi/mBot2 to the computer via Bluetooth adapter? See below:

How to Connect CyberPi/mBot2 via Bluetooth Adaptor



Possible Cause 1: Check the Pairing

If the Bluetooth adapter pairing fails, the connection window of mBlock will not show the serial port.


Refer to the article to connect CyberPi/mBot2 to the computer via the Bluetooth adapter.

How to Connect CyberPi/mBot2 via Bluetooth Adaptor

If the Bluetooth adapter pairing is successful, please move on to steps 2 or 3.


Possible Cause 2: Check the Bluetooth adapter

What the indicator looks like
What it means
What triggers it
Blink slowly
Insert the Bluetooth adapter into the USB port of the computer
Stand by
Search for the device it was paired with last time and automatically perform a pairing.
Blink fast
Press the button on the adapter
Search for a new device to be paired with it
Solid on
The adapter is paired with the robot
The adapter is paired with the robot.

Please check the status of the Bluetooth adapter according to the chart above.
  • If the indicator is working properly, please move on to #3
  • If not, the Bluetooth adapter is faulty and please contact service@makeblock.com for further advice.

The Bluetooth adapter is faulty if the indicator is still off after inserting it into the USB port of the computer, or if the indicator is still blinking slowly after pressing the button on the adapter.


Possible Cause 3: Check mBot2 Bluetooth

If you have tried the steps above and the issue still persists;

Please contact service@makeblock.com for further advice.

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