10. The Indicator on the mBot2 Shield Is Blinking

This guide applies to:

mBot2, mBot Neo, and Cyberpi.


Routine Check

For details, please see this guide: Routines for Troubleshooting CyberPi or mBot2 Issues


In a Nutshell

Step by Step

#1 If the Indicator Stays Off

The lithium battery may be faulty.

Please contact customer support for advice.


#2 If the Indicator Blinks and Turns Off

The motherboard is faulty.

Please contact customer support for advice.

#3 If the Indicator Keeps Blinking

The firmware may not be the latest version.

  1. Please update the firmware of CyberPi and mBot2 shield to the latest version.

  2. After the updating is completed, turn on the switch on the mBot2 shield.

  3. If the issue persists, please contact service@makeblock.com for further advice.



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