Program xLight with mBlock 5 on Your PC


This page describes how to program xLight with mBlock 5 on your PC.

1. Preparation

2. Download and install mBlock 5 on your PC

3. Connect xLight to mBlock 5

4. Program xLight with blocks

5. Program xLight in Python

APIs for xLight

1. Preparation

Before you start, make sure that you've got:

  • A computer

1.png or  2.png

  • xLight

3.png or 4.png or5.png

If you haven't assembled your xLight, see Assemble xLight to assemble it.


2. Download and install mBlock 5 on your PC

(Skip this step if you have already downloaded and installed mBlock 5 on your PC.)

(1) Go to to download mBlock 5 to a local disk.


Download the version compatible with the system running on your PC.

(2) Double-click the software you've downloaded to install it.


Click Yes when the system asks you "Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device?" and click to install drivers if prompted.


3. Connect xLight to mBlock 5

(1) Double-click the mBlock 5 icon on your PC to open it.
(2) Use a USB cable to connect xLight to your computer. 
Use xLight installed with the wooden base as an example.
(3) Click + add on the Devices tab, select xLight from the Device Library, and click OK.

Note: mBlock 5 displays the most frequently used device by default, and you can neglect it or delete it before adding a device.



(4) Click Connect to connect xLight to mBlock 5.


4. Program xLight with blocks

(1) Set the coding mode.

mBlock 5 provides two coding modes, namely Upload and Live.

Live: In this mode, you can view the program running effect in real time, which facilitates the debugging of the program. In this mode, you must keep xLight connected to mBlock 5. If they are disconnected, the program can't be run.

Upload: In this mode, you need to upload the compiled program to xLight. After being successfully uploaded, the program can still run normally on xLight when it is disconnected from mBlock.

For example, set the coding mode to Live.


(2) Drag blocks to the scripts area.

We can write a program to light up the LEDs of xLight in the colors of a rainbow, with each color lasting one second. 

a. Set the first color of the LEDs.


Set the next six colors in a similar way.


b. Set the number of times the program is to be run. For example, keep the program running after it is triggered. If you don't set the number of times, the blocks are executed once, by default.


c. Define the time when the program is triggered by selecting a block from the Events category.


The program is complete. Press the space key and see what happens.

You can try using other blocks to create your own light effects or games.

Tips: If you use the LED strip or LED string to assemble xLight, use the LED Strip or LED String category when programming xLight.

5. Program xLight in Python

mBlock 5 supports both block-based and Python coding for xLight.


Note: Python coding is available only in Upload mode.

Write a program in Python similar to the one written with blocks in 4. Program xLight with blocks to light up the LEDs of xLight in the colors of a rainbow, with each color lasting one second. 

(1) Set the coding mode to Upload.


(2) Write codes in the Python editing area.


import event, time, night_light
def on_start():
while True:
night_light.led_strip.on(255, 0, 0)
night_light.led_strip.on(0, 0, 0)
night_light.led_strip.on(255, 128, 0)
night_light.led_strip.on(0, 0, 0)
night_light.led_strip.on(0, 0, 0)
night_light.led_strip.on(0, 0, 0)
night_light.led_strip.on(0, 0, 0)
night_light.led_strip.on(0, 0, 0)
night_light.led_strip.on(0, 0, 0)

(3) Click Upload to upload the program to xLight.


After you upload the program to xLight, the LEDs of xLight are lit up in the colors of a rainbow, with each color lasting one second. 

Note: The control box of xLight can store only one user-defined program. A new program you upload to it replaces the last one. 

APIs for xLight

In the preceding example, the API led_strip.on(r, g, b) is used to set the color of the LEDs. 

The following table describes the APIs provided for xLight, and you can use them to write programs in Python.

API Parameter Description Use it as follows
set_led_num( num )

num: number of LEDs
Setting range: 1–512

Sets the number of LEDs


value: numeric value
Setting range: –100 to +100

Increases or reduces brightness


value: numeric value
Setting range: 0–100

Sets the brightness

off_all( )


Turns off all the LEDs


index: sequence number of an LED
Setting range: 1–512

Turns off the specified LED

show(color, offset, type)

color: color
Setting range: red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple, white
Offset: sequence number offset
Setting range: 0–n
Type: type of the LEDs
Setting range: 
LED_STRIP: 0 #LED strip
LED_STRING: 1 #LED string

Lights up LEDs in a color/colors'red orange yellow green cyan blue purple white purple blue cyan green yellow orange red', 0, 0)
On(r, g, b, id)

r: color component r
Setting range: 0–255

g: color component g
Setting range: 0–255

b: color component b
Setting range: 0–255

id: sequence number of an LED
Setting range: all

Lights up all the LEDs

night_light.led_strip.on(208, 2, 27, "all")
on_single(r, g, b, id)

r: color component r
Setting range: 0–255

g: color component g
Setting range: 0–255

b: color component b
Setting range: 0–255

id: sequence number of an LED
Setting range: 1–512

Lights up the specified LED

night_light.led_strip.on_single(208, 2, 27, 1)

val: action on the button
Setting range:
1: press
2: double-press

Obtains the action on the button

ir_get_distance (index) index: IR sensor indication
Type: int
Setting range: 
1: right IR sensor
2: left IR sensor

Obtains the distance of a gesture detected by the left or right IR sensor

get_trigger_time(index,time) index: 
Type: numeric value
Setting range:
1: left IR sensor triggered twice
2: right IR sensor triggered twice
3: from right to left
4: from left to right
time: numeric value, triggered with [0–10]

Obtains the gesture detected

get_volume( ) N/A

Obtains the loudness detected by the microphone

get_key_val(value) value: 
Type: str
Setting range:
A B C D E F SET UP DOWN LEFT RIGHT 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 

Obtains whether the button is pressed:

true: pressed

false: not pressed



More information

Default Program of xLight

Control xLight with the Makeblock App

Program xLight with the mBlock App

Control xLight with Its Button

Control xLight with the Remote Control

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