How to Confirm if the mCore is Faulty

For some rare failure phenomena for which you cannot confirm the cause, you can help locate the cause by checking the mCore motherboard to see if it is failing.


1. Step by Step

1. Download Arduino IDE


2. Establish the USB connection

  • Connect the mCore motherboard to your computer with the original USB cable and turn on its Power Switch.
  • Click Tools>Board"...">Arduino Uno

  • Select the correct port.

output (6).png


3. Upload Program about Blink

  • Click File>Example>01.Basics>Blink

output (7).png

  • Click Upload, wait and check if any error message pops up in red.

  • If there is no error message and the mCore shows as below, then the motherboard should be functioning normally.



2. Still Need Help?

Feel free to contact the Makeblock support team  for any other questions or needs!


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