Case 14 - Robotic Bartender (I)

Part 1   Objective

Write a program to make the Robotic Bartender perform the action of pouring wine.


Part 2   Preparation

  • Mechanical parts and electronic modules of Robotic Bartender

  • USB cable (Type-B) x 1

  • Computer with network access x 1

Follow the building steps to build a Robotic Bartender. Install the MegaPi encoder/DC motor drivers on MegaPi, connect the motors to the motor ports on MegaPi by using the motor cables, connect MegaPi to the computer by using the USB cable, open mBlock 5 (PC client or web version), click +add, select Ultimate 2.0 from the Device Library, click Connect, and select the Upload mode.


Part 3   Programming

Make the Robotic Bartender repeat the action of pouring wine by using the motor rotation angle control and action repeat blocks.


Part 4   Practice

Try to use other objects and make adjustments to find the optimal motor rotation angle.

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