Control Ultimate 2.0 with the Makeblock App

Before you use the app

1. Ensure that your smart device meets the following requirements


2. Download the Makeblock app

Search for Makeblock on App Store or Google Play, and then download the app.


Use the app

Control Robotic Arm Tank

Manual mode

1. Choose the project by tapping Device → Ultimate 2.0 → Play → Robotic Arm Tank





2. Connect via Bluetooth

Turn on your robot and your smart device's Bluetooth. Hold your smart device close to your robot, and then Bluetooth will connect automatically. When the connection LED indicator is solid on, it means that your robot and your smart device have been paired successfully.



Note: You need to hold down a button on the screen to control the robot's movement.


You can also install other electronic modules onto the robot to explore more.


Obstacle Avoiding mode

The robot will run and avoid obstacles automatically (you need to install the ultrasonic sensor onto the robot first). In this mode, the robot does not respond no matter what button you press. 


  • When using this mode, ensure that the ultrasonic sensor is connected to port 7 of MegaPi, so that you can control the robot with the app.
  • If you want to program the robot by yourself, you can connect the ultrasonic sensor to any port of MegaPi. Ensure that you set the same port for the ultrasonic sensor in the program.



Line Following mode

The robot will follow a black line on a white surface automatically (you need to install the line follower sensor onto the robot first). 


  • When using this mode, ensure that the line follower sensor is connected to port 8 of MegaPi, so that you can control the robot with the app.
  • If you want to program the robot by yourself, you can connect the line follower sensor to any port of MegaPi. Ensure that you set the same port for the line follower sensor in the program.



Control Camera Dolly

1. Choose the project by tapping Device → Ultimate 2.0 → Play → Camera Dolly





2. Connect via Bluetooth

Turn on your robot and your smart device's Bluetooth. Hold your smart device close to your robot, and then Bluetooth will connect automatically. When the connection LED indicator is solid on, it means that your robot and your smart device have been paired successfully.



Note: You need to control the robot's movement with the buttons on the screen.


You can install a Me Shutter module onto the robot and use this app to implement auto-photographing.



  • When using this mode, ensure that the Me Shutter module is connected to port 6 of MegaPi, so that you can control the robot with the app.
  • If you want to program the robot by yourself, you can connect the Me Shutter module to any port of MegaPi. Ensure that you set the same port for the Me Shutter module in the program.



Control Self-Balancing Robot

1. Choose the project by tapping Device → Ultimate 2.0 → Play → Self-Balancing Robot





2. Connect via Bluetooth

Turn on your robot and your smart device's Bluetooth. Hold your smart device close to your robot, and then Bluetooth will connect automatically. When the connection LED indicator is solid on, it means that your robot and your smart device have been paired successfully.



3. The robot will balance on its own. Use the control panel to control your Self-Balancing Robot


This page provides only some examples of using the Makeblock app to control your Ultimate 2.0.


Explore more and have fun!



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