You can connect the [Speaker] block of mbuild to Halocode, and make more creations.
1. speaker (1) plays note (C4) for (0.25) beats
The specified speaker plays the specified note for the specified number of beats.
When the button of Halocode is pressed, speaker 1 will play note "C4" for 0.25 beat.
2. speaker (1) plays sound at frequency of (700) HZ for (1) secs
The specified speaker plays sound at the specified frequency for a specified period of time.
When the button of Halocode is pressed, speaker 1 will play sound at frequency of 700HZ for 1 second.
3. speaker (1) plays sound at frequency of (700) HZ
The specified speaker plays sound at the specified frequency.
When the button of Halocode is pressed, speaker 1 will play sound at frequency of 700HZ.
4. speaker (1) plays ()
The specified speaker plays the specified sound effect.
When the button of Halocode is pressed, speaker 1 will play emotional sound "hello".
5. speaker (1) plays () until done
The specified speaker plays the specified sound effect until it finishes.
When the button of Halocode is pressed, speaker 1 will play emotional sound "hello" until it finishes.
6. emotional sound (hello)
The specified emotional sound.
Note: this is a Reporter Block, which is used with other blocks, and can't stand alone.
When the button of Halocode is pressed, speaker 1 will play emotional sound "hello" until it finishes.
7. electronic sound (start)
The specified electronic sound.
Note: this is a Reporter Block, which is used with other blocks, and can't stand alone.
When the button of Halocode is pressed, speaker 1 will play electronic sound "start" until it finishes.
8. physical sound (metal-dash)
The specified physical sound.
Note: this is a Reporter Block, which is used with other blocks, and can't stand alone.
When the button of Halocode is pressed, speaker 1 will play physical sound "metal-dash" until it finishes.
9. number and letter sound (0)
The specified number and letter sound.
Note: this is a Reporter Block, which is used with other blocks, and can't stand alone.
When the button of Halocode is pressed, speaker 1 will play number and letter sound "0" until it finishes.
10. English word (black)
The specified English word.
Note: this is a Reporter Block, which is used with other blocks, and can't stand alone.
When the button of Halocode is pressed, speaker 1 will play English word "black" until it finishes.
11. speaker (1) stops sound
The specified speaker stops playing sound.
When the button of Halocode is pressed, speaker 1 will stop playing sound.
12. speaker (1) increases volume by (20)%
Changes the volume of the specified speaker by the specified percent.
When the button of Halocode is pressed, the volume of speaker 1 will increase by 20 percent.
13. speaker (1) sets volume to (100)%
Sets the volume of the specified speaker to the specified percent.
When the button of Halocode is pressed, the volume of speaker 1 will be set to 100%.
14. speaker (1) volume (%)
Reports the volume of the specified speaker.
When the button of Halocode is pressed, if the volume of speaker 1 is greater than 50%, the LED ring of Halocode will light up red.
15. speaker (1) is playing sound?
If the specified speaker is playing sound, the report condition is met.
When the button of Halocode is pressed, if speaker 1 is playing sound, the LED ring of Halocode will light up red.
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