15. How to Use the IOT Blocks (Case 1)

This guide applies to:

mBot2, mBot Neo, and CyberPi.


In a Nutshell

Note: Logging in the mBlock 5 account is required before using all IOT blocks.

Case 1: Interact between mBot2 and sprites on mBlock 5 software.


mBlock 5 has a web version, a mobile application version, and a PC version.

You may also connect the mBot2 via USB or Bluetooth adapter.


Step by Step

You can click the sprite on the computer to control the mBot2;

And establishing an interaction between mBlock 5 and the device.

#1 Compile the Program for the Sprites.

After clicking the panda, a "message" will be sent through IOT blocks.

If the panda makes a voice and the panda is moving, the message is successfully sent.

After the device receives the message, it can make a corresponding response.


#2 Compile Programs for mBot2.


When we compile programs for the sprite in the first step, we have already settled that the sprite will send messages through IOT blocks.


When mBot2 receives the message from the sprite via the network, it will make a relevant response, indicating that interaction between the sprite and the device is realized.


If your Wi-Fi works properly, you will see the green light is on once the CyberPi is turned on.


For how to connect mBot2 to mBlock 5, please see this guide:

How to Connect mBot2 to mBlock 5


#3 Interact Between mBot2 and Sprites


You can also control the sprite through program design.

  • For example, move the sprite on the mBlock 5 by operating the device. (You can design the program on your own by referring to the examples in this article)

Interaction between sprites and machines can take place on different devices. You may find the saved programming work on mBlcok-My work when you log in to your account on different devices.

  • If you compile and save the program on the computer, the sprite can still interact with the machine via a mobile phone.

Each sprite can interact with different devices after the programming work is uploaded to those machines.

  • For example, if you upload the work to CyberPi and mBot2 respectively, the sprite will interact with CyberPi and mBot2 in the meantime.


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