20. The Servo Motor Won't Work

This guide applies to:

mBot2 and mBot Neo.


Routine Check

Refer to the quick steps below to rule out basic issues.



In a Nutshell


Step by Step

Possible Cause 1

The servo motor won't work due to program bugs.

Please follow the steps below to troubleshoot.

排障8 原因1 (1).png

Not sure how to connect the mBot2 and mBlock 5? See below.

For details, please see this guide: https://support.makeblock.com/hc/en-us/articles/15850718565399


Not sure how to connect the servo motor to mBot2?

See below


Not sure how to check the servo motor's response?

See below



If the servo motor doesn't respond, please move on to possible cause 2.

If the servo motor responds in the same way above, your program has a bug.

Please debug your program and check again if the engine is able to rotate.

Possible cause 2

If the servo motor has no response in the above troubleshooting steps,

the engine is malfunctioning. Please contact service@makeblock.com.

Pay Attention

Running a locked servo motor for too long can damage it. The heat generated by the blocked engine can cause it to burn out and fail.

Note: A locked rotor occurs when a servo motor is overloaded and cannot rotate. A servo motor normally experiences a certain amount of resistance or load during normal operation, but if the resistance or load is too great, the engine will lock up.

When a locked servo motor is running, it may make abnormal noises or vibrate. It will also not be able to rotate as expected, which could cause the device or system to malfunction.


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