18. Routines for Checking CyberPi or mBot2 Issues

This guide applies to:

mBot2, mBot Neo, and CyberPi.


In a Nutshell

Whenever you find an issue about CyberPi or mBot2,

it is recommended to do the following routines to rule out basic issues.

  #1, Make sure you use the latest mBlock 5 software.

  #2, Make sure you use the latest device extension in mBlock 5.

  #3, Make sure you use the latest firmware for your CyberPi.

  #4, Restart mBot2 or CyberPi and reconnect it to your computer.


Step by Step

#1 Get the Latest mBlock 5 Software.

Visit https://www.mblock.cc/en/download/ and download the latest version.



#2 Get the Latest Device Extension.

Follow the steps below to update.



#3 Get the Latest CyberPi Firmware.

Follow the steps below to update.



#4 Restart the Device and Reconnect.

1. Power off and on to restart mBot2.

2. Unplug and replug the cable to reconnect.



For how to connect your device to mBlcok 5, please see the below steps:




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