11. How to Customize 'My Program' Name

This guide applies to:

mBot2, mBot Neo, and CyberPi.


In a Nutshell


Learn more about the programs in CyberOS:

How to Upload Programs to CyberPi or mBot2

How to View and Switch Between Preset Program and My Program


Step by Step

#1 Run the Program to be Renamed

Go to 'My Programs' and select the program and press Button B to run it.

Refer to this article below to switch to My Programs.


#2 Visit mBlock5 Web Version

Open the web version of mBlock5, and it should install mblink2.

Note: It's recommended to use Chrome, otherwise, some functions may be blocked.



#3 Connect CyberPi to mBlock5

And make sure to select the Upload Mode.


For details, please refer to this guide: How to Connect CyberPi to mBlock 5


#4 Create a Name for Your Program and Upload It



#5 Restart CyberPi and Check the 'My Programs' List

After the uploading is completed, reboot CyberPi and switch to My Programs.

Program 3 is covered by the name of the uploaded program.



  1. Upload a program to My Programs via CyberPi, program1 will be covered and the name is "main".

  2. If you want to upload the program to others, you need to get the CyberPi to run My Programs.

  3. Before uploading, if CyberPi is running Program2, it will upload the new program to Program2.


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