4. How to Connect CyberPi/mBot2 via Bluetooth Adaptor


This guide applies to:

Products are compatible with the Makeblock Bluetooth adapter.


In a Nutshell

If your computer's Bluetooth is not compatible with that of CyberPi/mBot2,

You can use a Makeblock Bluetooth adapter instead.



Understand the Adaptor Indicator


Indicator Status What it means What triggers it

Blink slowly

Stand by
Search for the device it was paired with last time and automatically perform a pairing. Insert the Bluetooth adapter into the USB port of a computer

Blink fast


Search for a new device to be paired with it
Press the button on the adapter

Solid on


The adapter is paired with the robot.
The adapter is paired with CyberPi/mBot2.



Step by Step

#1 Pull out the Protection Cap

Insert it into a USB port on your computer.

You will see the indicator on it blinking slowly.



#3 Pair the Adapter with Your Device

Here we use CyberPi as an example. Pocket Shield supplies power for CyberPi. 


  1. Turn on CyberPi by switching to ON. 

  2. Press the button on the Bluetooth adapter. The indicator will blink. 

  3. Move CyberPi close to the Bluetooth adapter. The indicator will turn solid. 

  4. Configure the Connect for CyberPi in mBlock 5 software.


#4 Connect the Device to mBlock 5

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