Debugging—Importing an Extension into Extension Builder

After obtaining an extension (as an .mext file) designed by another user or downloading one from mBlock 5 Extension Builder to the local disk, you can drag the .mext file to Extension Builder to modify it.

The following describes how to import the Gadgets Pack extension for modification:

  1. Sign in to mBlock 5 Extension Builder.


  1. Click Import data.

  1. In the Import extension dialog box that appears, click the area in the dashed box and choose the .mext file from the local disk; or open the folder where the .mext file is stored and drag the file to the area in the dashed box.

Extension Builder parses the imported file and displays the message "successfully importing data" when the file is successfully imported.

  1. Close the Import extension dialog box.

You can see the Gadgets Pack extension in the My Extension list.

Note: Network interruption may have occurred if the extension you have imported is not displayed in the My Extension list. Refresh the webpage.

Now, you can click the Edit button to start editing the extension!

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