FAQs on mBot Neo/mBot2

1. Why can’t I enter CyberOS?

You can restart mBot Neo to enter CyberOS. When you control it with the Makeblock app or program it in Live mode with mBlock 5 app, the Home button is disabled and you can’t enter CyberOS by pressing it.


2. The blocks can’t be used properly, what can I do?

Perform the following checks:

  • Hardware connection. Make sure that your mBot Neo is properly connected to mBlock 5.
  • Software version and sign-in/sign-off state. Make sure that the mBlock 5 app is the latest version and you have signed in to it.
  • Firmware version. Make sure that your CyberPi is running the lastest firmware.


3. How can I update the firmware of CyberPi?

Way 1: Using the Makeblock app and CyberOS

1. Set up network connection for mBot Neo on the Makeblock app.

Open the Makeblock app, connect mBot Neo to it through Bluetooth, and then tap Wi-Fi Guide to set up Wi-Fi connection. For details, see Wi-Fi Guide.

2. Enter CyberOS.
3. Choose Settings > Update.


The system automatically checks for updates, and updates the firmware if a later version is found.

Way 2: Using mBlock 5

1. Use a Micro USB cable (Type-C) to connect mBot Neo to your PC, and power on mBot Neo.


2. Open mBlock 5 and connect mBot Neo to it. For details, see Connect mBot Neo to mBlock 5.

If mBlock 5 prompts you to update the firmware, as shown in the following figure, you can choose to update the firmware of CyberPi. 


Click Update. mBlock 5 updates CyberPi to the latest firmware version.


4. How much load can I carry with CyberPi & Expansion Board?

  • For sensors, it is recommended to keep the number of connections within 10;
  • For motor/servos, it is recommended to keep the number of connections within 4.


5. What is the principle of LAN broadcast communication?

CyberPi's LAN broadcast is based on esp32's ESP-NOW protocol, which is an unconnected and unreliable transmission method based on wifi. By unreliable, we mean that the broadcasted data is not guaranteed to reach the target device, and the reason for not reaching the target device is that the device's LAN is not yet started properly, the device is in another wifi channel, etc.

Cyberpi's LAN broadcast not require networking and is a one-to-many communication model. In theory, a CyberPi can send broadcast data to any number of other CyberPis.


6. Why can't my two cyberpi's communicate with each other using LAN?

This scenario usually occurs because the two cyberpi are on different wifi channels, and the CyberPi on different channels cannot send and receive data normally. CyberPi's LAN broadcast function and networking function (connecting to the router to access the Internet) are both wifi-based, and these two functions can only share one wifi channel, when the networking function is used, the default channel of CyberPi (channel 6) will be modified, and the modified channel will be determined by the connected router. The following scenarios will cause two CyberPi's to be on different wifi channels.

- Scenario 1: CyberPi1 is normally connected to router A, CyberPi2 is not connected to any router (connection not set, password input error, router not in connection range, etc.), if router A is not using cyberpi's default channel 6, the two will be in different wifi channels and cannot finish communication.

- Scenario 2: CyberPi1 is normally connected to router A, CyberPi2 is normally connected to router B. If router A and router B are not using the same wifi channel, they will not be able to finish communication.


7. How to make sure two or more cyberpi can complete LAN communication properly?

As long as two or more cyberpi's are on the same wifi channel, you can use LAN communication properly. There are several ways to make sure they are on the same channel.

- Method 1: Both CyberPi's use the LAN function only and do not use the networking function. In this case, the CyberPi will use the default channel 6 and can communicate normally. If the CyberPi is already set up to connect, you can disconnect the CyberPi by filling in the empty string for both the wifi account and password.
- Method 2: When two or more cyberpi use the networking function, they must be connected to the same router. At this situation, the wifi channel used by the cyberpi and the wifi channel used by the router will be the same, and the communication can be completed normally, and the network function will not be affected.


8. Other notices for LAN communication

1. The LAN broadcast shall send no more than 200 bytes of data at a time, otherwise there may be data loss problems;

2. When a CyberPi is connected to a router, its channel is determined by the router. If the router also uses CyberPi's default channel 6, the CyberPi can complete the communication normally even if the other CyberPi is not connected to the router; 

3. CyberPi will go to auto-networking function by default after booting, if the configured account password is not empty string, it will try to connect several times. Until it connects, the WIFI channel of CyberPi is uncertain, and it may not be able to do LAN broadcast communication.


9. Why is there an error in my mBot Neo steering?

mBot Neo is a build product, metal structure, natural tolerances of injection molding wheel (can not be completely prevented due to the industry bottlenecks), and build assembly tolerances will cause the mBot Neo chassis steering to produce fixed tolerances. However, the error is more stable and can be overcome with the debugging of a steering factor. The code is illustrated as follows:


We are experimenting with a chassis calibration mechanism to improve steering errors caused by structural tolerances, and from the results so far, there are noticeable effects, and we expect to have this new feature live by the end of JULY.


10. Why do coded motors have very large cumulative errors after continuous rotation?

This is normal, as the coded motor has a fixed error for each rotation, which accumulates over many rotations, making the error very large when the coded motor performs a task like "3° per rotation, 30 rotations". Currently, you can design a more complex closed-loop control program by reading the rotation angle of the coded motor in the program.

However, we are considering improving the experience in this area and expect to address the cumulative error with a firmware update in late JULY.


11. What is the difference between line, background and other colors, and what can I do with it?

Lines and backgrounds are self-defined by the color sensors through learning.A color can be perceived as both a line and a certain color by the quad RGB sensor, which means that the mBot Neo can perform color recognition while patrolling the line, and you can write programs like this: (the robot can continuously patrol the line and stop moving when it encounters a red color block on the line)




12. How can I connect Neo with Wifi?

The Local Area Network (wifi) function can only be used in "upload" mode, you can try using simple program (sample as below) to check if the wifi connection is well (Keep the robot close to the router, and make sure the wifi is stable).

Press the middle of joystick and wait a moment, If you see the LED lights up, it means the Neo is successfully connected with wifi.


13. What is the capacity of the built-in battery of mBot2?

2500 mAh.


14. How long does it take to fully charge mBot2 and how long can mBot2 operate after it is fully charged?

Battery life
Supplies power for mBot2 with loads, such as servos and motors, in common application scenarios.
2.5 hours–5 hours
When mBot2 keeps moving or keeps operating with loads: 2.5 hours
Upper limit of battery life
mBot2 operates in the sleep mode with the
screen off.
More than 24 hours
Time to fully charge the battery 1 hour–2 hours


15. Can mBot2 operate without CyberPi?

No, the mBot2 shield can't work without CyberPi, its main control board. You need to program and control mBot2 through CyberPi.


16. Does the ultrasonic sensor 2 used on mBot2 transmit and receive signals?

Yes, the eye-shaped part on the left transmits signals, and the one on the right receives signals. For details, see Ultrasonic Sensor 2.



17. What is the detection range of the ultrasonic sensor 2 used on mBot2?

Detection range: 5–300 cm with detection error: ±5%


18. Can I change the light color of the LEDs on the ultrasonic sensor 2?

No, you can't. The LEDs can be lit up only in blue.


19. How many LEDs are provided on the ultrasonic sensor 2?

Eight programmable LEDs.



20. What can I do with the LEDs on the ultrasonic sensor 2?

You can program the ultrasonic sensor 2 to control how many LEDs are lit up and how bright they are.


21. What's the function of the quad RGB sensor?


The quad RGB sensor integrates the functions of a color sensor, light sensor, and light following
sensor. For details, see Quad RGB Sensor.

22. Are there any parts shared by mBot and mBot2?


① The screws used for installing the wheels can't be shared.
② The encoder motors used on mBot2 can't be used on mBot.


23. What is the maximum number of servos that can be connected to mBot2?

mBot2 provides four ports that can be used to connect servos, but you can connect it to more servos through the mBuild port.


24. What is the size of the screen on mBot2?

128 × 128 (pixels)
x-coordinate: 0–127
y-coordinate: 0–127



25. Is mBot2 equipped with a buzzer?

No, but its main control board, CyberPi, is equipped with a speaker that can function as a buzzer.

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